Bandung :What A Great Moment for me!

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to all of you. Wow, it seems ages that I never posted anything into this beloved blog. Looking at the last post, it was like a 4 month ago, when I wanted to take my final exam for the first semester. Sorry for that inconvenient...ha2.. I meant it.

So, what's bring me here , to write something, was, actually to share a little bit experiences that I had experienced it. Yeah, I went to Bandung for a week! what a amazing moment for me. Firstly, due to the facts that I never fly over to overseas, then it was my first experiences to travel via aeroplane and lastly, I finally able to go to Indonesia which I always want to go there for a long time ago

So, basically, it was not a tour for fun. I went there for a reason, which was, to represent my Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya, under Community Outreach Programs, to do some field works on the current issues that arose between our country and Indonesia, about the migrant workers.My seniors and I were formed a teamed together. We had a collaboration from our new friends from same faculty, but from Universitas Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia..

We were welcomed with full of excitement and warm-hand from our new friends from Universitas Pasundan, Bandung. They had treated us very well. Tasted the 'nasi timbal' for the first time, it was superb! we had a lots of conversation and knowing each other at that time.I heard from my friend, said that Bandung was kind of cold and freezing places. And it was true! Being at Dago, we stay in a house without an cold!

Then the next morning, we had to travel to somewhere, in the rural area of Bandung, which took 6 and a half hour driving from here, to the place named Indramayu. The purpose we went there,it was the place that have been providing the most migrant workers from West Java. To reach Indramayu, it was not as what I had expected. We had to get through a zig-zag road that was built at the mountain area and what made it more dangerous, POTHOLES! yeah, it likes thousand of them! 

When we reached Indramayu, we had bee divided into four group,and I belong to group four,with Jiha, my senior, which we had to travel by sampan to get there. I was kind of shocked where, there is a places where people don't wearing their shoes and slippers to go around. The villagers were doing their daily routine , enjoyed their life in a simple way with a basic necessities. 

Meeting with Pak Hasan, the one who govern the BP3TKI for migrant workers from Bandung

We heard lots of problems from the villagers who, had been worked as a construction workers, and others. Yeah, I kind of appreciate and thankful as I doesn't have to travel far and far away just to feed  for my family.

Yeah, it was a wonderful experience for me. Other things that I couldn't afford to forget were, their delicacies which are super delicious and fantastic! The unforgettable food that I almost vomit was, 'Otak Lembu" or Cow's Brain!!!OMG, for sure, I will not try to eat it again.

My friends from UNPAS from the top of Pasar Baru, where we had to perform  our  Friday prayers here.

Ok, this was not cool at all. we had to travel by motorcycle or 'speeda motor' in order to travel to their faculty at the town in order to avoid traffic jam or 'macet' they said..hu2

    But the rest was ,again wonderful. I kept saying wonderful..ok, this mean that I love to go there againn. Met with my new friends, lecturers such as Ibu Leni, Ibu Hesti, and Pak Wirawan , and their kindness and warm-hand welcome touched me so much! Please, someone, take me again to Bandung..ha2

Met with them, made me felt like we were known for each other for a long time and treated us like their family..oh, how I miss them so much already. hu2

p/s: Kalau aku ada duit, memang aku pergi lagi.belanja aku weh.ha2

